The leader comes to my office, seat etiquette?#Office furniture supporting

The leader comes to my office, seat etiquette?#Office furniture supporting

1. You should take the initiative to clean up and organize your own chairs and desks. Invite the leaders in a humble tone. For example, this is where I usually do copywriting. It is relatively tight, so please come to the table. Generally, the leader sits in an easy-going manner, and then looks through your information in an appreciative manner. This is limited to those with plenty of time and no formal work. If you are more formal, you will specify where you want to sit. This is to hurry up to put the meeting chair in the right place (there must be a place for tea cups, if not, it is recommended to sit in your place!)
2. After the leader is seated, he should take the initiative to ask for tea or refill the leader's cup of water.
3. Face the leader obliquely in the direction close to the door (don't lean behind the door, don't close the door, take care of the door and the leader), and enter the conversation. The above is when the leader strongly requests to come to his office. Otherwise, you should take the initiative to meet guests in the leadership office. This is good for you and the leader.
1. In the leadership office, you can invite the leader to sit down, or you can ask the leader to sit on the sofa.
2. Other water and materials remain the same.#Office furniture supporting